Al-aqida at-Tahawiyya

by Charni

Books & Reference


Al-Aqeedah at-Tahawiyya

Traduction d’une œuvre ancienne écrite il y a 11 siècle en langue arabe et qui traite d’un sujet religieux important et délicat. Il s’agit de la ‘aqida at-tahawiyya, où l’auteur, Abû Dja’far At-Tahawi (Il naquit en 239 et mourut en 321 de lhégire) expose les fondements de la foi et de la religion des musulmans.Translation of an ancient work written there 11 century in Arabic and which deals with an important and delicate religious subject. This is the aqeedah did Tahawiyya, where the author, Abu Jafar At-Tahawi (He was born in 239 and died in 321 AH) describes the fundamentals of the faith and religion of Muslims .

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Abbaa Kennaa

cant understand which language is this

A Google user


A Google user

Très Bien. Alhamdoullillah.

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